The ND licence is restrictive compared to copyleft but it is less
restrictive than normal copyright, because it allows commercial copying of
the work.

That said I do see where you're coming from, and I personally would much
rather Stallman just copylefted his writings. BY-SA and moral rights should
prevent misattribution of derivatives.

- Rob.

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Gareth Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Rob Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Stallman believes that works of opinion are different from pieces of
> software. He is concerned that arbitrary modifications of a work of opinion
> could lead to misrepresentation, and he's not alone in that. Software
> doesn't really have that problem, so he's right that they are different.
> I don't agree with his conclusions on this particular issue, I'm just
> trying to explain that his position is coherent.
> Personally I don't agree with the conclusions either, but everyone is
> entitled to their opinions.
> I've no knowledge on Stallman philosophy on anything other than software.
> It just jumped out the screen at me, that after the big long article on
> freedom, you then get restrictions put on what you can do with the article.
> I wouldn't have even considered it if the CC licence had not been mentioned
> and the article was posted under the usual site copyright terms.
> --
> *Gareth Davis* | Production Systems Specialist
> **

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