On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:53, Jeremy James <j...@forbidden.co.uk> wrote:

> See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7869181.stm
> A victory or a loss for consumer choice?
> -jeremy

Neither. Having 3 URLs instead of 1 isn't going make much of a difference
from the consumers point of view (which is why I fail to see how Kangaroo
would have been more "damaging to competition" than 3 separate services).
The Big 3 could probably simulate Kangaroo by opening up some data about
their services and allowing 3rd party aggregators (assuming rights holders
don't spit tacks over the idea).

In the end the biggest loser is going to be the Competition Commission as I
bet history will view them as "not getting the online marketplace".


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