> >>Whenever I try to restore a whole bunch of files it fails with this
> >>error after it restores about 4 files:
> >>I did replace instances of Solaris tar with gtar.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Is the share read-only?
> >
> >Craig
> No it is not  a read-only share .. considering it restores the first 4
> before it stops.
> Also I specifically  set the share not to be read only on the PC side.
> How can I see more detailed output for debugging purposes?
> "This backup will fail because: abandoning restore"  .....  is too
> ambiguous.

The error "abandoning restore" comes from smbclient.

I'd recommend manually running the smbclient command with a tar file
and then understand why it fails.  The log files show the exact
commands being run.  To help bisect the problem, use regular tar
instead of BackupPC_tarCreate.


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