Julian Robbins writes:

> I've been using BackupPC for a couple of years now  and am very pleased 
> with it. Using vers 2.0.2 (yes I know I could do with updating it ;-) ).
> But I am confused. When I set my config as below, I still get 7 full 
> backups, and 18 incrementals. The oldest Full backup is 196 days old, 
> oldest incremental is 188 days old.
> Why do I not get 3 fulls as I specified? BackupNightly is run every day. 
> Is it because its trying to do a maximum of 20 incrementals and needs 
> more fulls to be able to get 20 incrementals from this ?
> With 7 Fulls, my disk space is neraly 86% used, so I need to be able to 
> get this sorted.

What is $Conf{FullPeriod} and $Conf{IncrPeriod}?

I would guess $Conf{FullPeriod} is 28-30 and $Conf{IncrPeriod} is 10.
The reason there are more than 3 fulls kept around is that each
incremental needs the original (dependent) full so that the
incremental can be "filled in" in case you browse or restore
that backup.

So keeping 18 incrementals 10 days aparts requires fulls
all the way back for 180 days, which is around 7 fulls at
a 28-30 day period.

If you reduce the number of incrementals you keep then the
older fulls will get deleted.


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