On 27/11/06, Les Stott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Krsnendu dasa wrote:
> OK. I've uninstalled NX client, and Cygwin. Removed all instances of
> cygwin1.dll, rsync etc.
> Removed all references to Cygwin, nx etc from registry.
> Rebooted.
> Copied contents of zip file to c:\rsyncd
> double clicked service.bat
> It still won't run as a service. :-(
Please post the contents of your rsyncd.conf file.

Here are the contents of my rsyncd.conf file

# A sample rsyncd.conf file usable with BackupPC. This file does not
# completely document all of the settings for rsyncd.conf - see the
# man page that comes with the rsync ditribution for a comprehensive
# overview off all available settings.

# Allow rsync to change the root directory to the module location
# upon connection of a client. This is disabled for Win32 as we do
# not provide a full Cygwin environment.
# Warning: with a setting of "false", absolute symlinks will be
# stripped of their leading "/".  See "use chroot" in the rsyncd.conf
# man page.  This is relevant for machines that support symlinks
# (WinXX machines do not).
use chroot = false

# Limit the simultaneous rsync connections to 4. Changing
# this to '1' should be sufficient for BackupPC.
max connections = 1

# Uncomment this line and change the path if
# you would like to log rsync messages.
log file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.log

# The location of the rsync process ID file
pid file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.pid

# The locations of the rsync lock file
lock file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock

# This is where we define the rsyncd modules. Add as many directories or
# files are you wish.  To backup this module using BackupPC, set
# $Conf{RsyncShareName} to "docs" in this client's config.pl.
   # Exact DOS style path to the file or directory to be rsync accessible
#   path = c:/Documents and Settings

   # A short description of the module. This is what is printed when
   # using rsync to "browse" the server for what modules are available.
#    comment = Documents and Settings

   # Does rsyncd ensure that the secrets file is read only by the
   # user running the process? If this is false then no check is
   # performed (useful for Win32 systems). However, you can change
   # this to "true" and make the secrets file READ ONLY by the user
   # running the rysncd process. If running from the command line
   # or upon login, this should be the user who is logged in. If
   # running as a Win32 service, then the SYSTEM account should be
   # the only account that can read the secrets file.
#    strict modes = false

   # What user(s) have access to this module. The user(s) must be
   # defined in the secrets file. A comma or space separated list.
   # Example:
   #   auth users = backup, root, larry
   #   auth users = backup root larry
#    auth users = backup

   # The location of the secrets file. Permissions must be READ ONLY
   # for the account running the rsyncd process unless
   # strict modes = false is set above.
#    secrets file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets

   # What hosts are allowed access to this module? By default, all
   # hosts are allowed access. If you wish to further strengthen
   # the security of your setup, uncomment and replace with the IP
   # address your BackupPC server. This is a flexible setting and
   # can be one of:
   #   a dotted decimal IP address:
   #   a address/mask in the form  a.b.c.d/n:
   #   an address/mask in the form ipaddr/maskaddr:
   #   a hostname: backupserver
   #   a hostname pattern using wildcards: backup*
   # hosts allow =

   # Only allow clients to READ from the server. This prevents uploads
   # from remote machines. If you wish to allow uploads, change this too
   # "true".
   # WARNING: Setting this to true means that BackupPC restores via
   # rsyncd will fail. You most likely want to set this to "false".
#    read only = false

   # Don't list this module if a client asks (provides another modest
   # layer of security since an attacker also has to guess the module
   # name - you could make it obscure if you want - but remember the
   # module name is sent in plain text so it can be sniffed).
#    list = false

# Example of how to share the entire C: drive.  For BackupPC "cDrive"
# is the share name (ie: the value of $Conf{RsyncShareName}).
   path = H:\testbackup
   comment = Test Directory

#path = c:/Documents and Settings
#    comment = Documents and Settings
   auth users = backup
   secrets file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
   # hosts allow =
   strict modes = false
   read only = false
   list = false

If you have enabled logging via the conf file, does it give any clues?

rsyncd.log is not created.

Did the service get installed properly? Can you see a service for rsyncd
in the "services" applet of administrative tools? Does event viewer show
any errors?

The service is showing in "the services" applet.
When I try to start the service from here it gives the message.
"The rsyncd service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some
services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the
Performance logs and Alerts service.

When I try to start it from the command line I get the error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Krsnendu>cygrunsrv -S rsyncd
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 1062:
The service has not been started.



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