I have run rsync manually to copy all files from a server where backups 
take 600 minutes.

John Pettitt wrote:
> Jason Hughes wrote:
>> Evren Yurtesen wrote:
>>> I am saying that it is slow. I am not complaining that it is crap. I 
>>> think when something is really slow, I should have right to say it right?
>> There is such a thing as tact.  Many capable and friendly people have 
>> been patient with you, and you fail to show any form of respect.  
>> You're the one with the busted system; you should be nicer to the 
>> important people who are giving you their experience for free.

I am sorry but I have been patient enough with them also. I have done 
most of the suggestions about speeding it up and the tests etc. even 
though I knew that none of those suggestions will help and some were the 
most irrelevant things I have heard.

> Ok folks - tomorrow I'm going to run some benchmarks on my FreeBSD box

> I plan to run the following:
> ./bonnie++ -d . -s 3072 -n 10:100000:10:10 -x 1

Another good idea... I am trying to do this but it outputs the results 
in csv format?

> on the following filesystems  FreeBSD 6.2 ufs2
> 1) an 80 Gb IDE drive
> 2) a mirror set from 2 300 gb IDE drives
> 3) a raid 10 1.5 tb made from 6 WD 500gb sata 300 drives on a 3ware 
> 9500S-12 controller with battery backup
> I'll run the benchmark sync, soft updates and async
> This is the same benchmark run on the namesys page so it should give a 
> reasonable comparison to RaiserFS.

But you dont have exactly the same machine, unless you install linux and 
re-do the tests with reiserfs then results might be different

By the way, I ran the benchmark on my supposedly flawed system which is 
causing the problem.

> As a data point I have three backups running right now on the 9500S-12 
> raid 10 partition - I'm seeing about 300 disk operations a second - when 
> I used to run this on one disk I would see about 100 disk ops a second 
> and on an IDE raid 5 (6 disks on a hightpoint controller) I'd see about 
> 150 ops a second.

That many operations would considerably slow down a non-raid system.


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