I modified the rsync code to limit restore to a share:

against (# Version 3.0.0, released 28 Jan 2007)

(root)> diff /usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Rsync.pm /usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Rsync.pm.orig
<       ## AQUEOS debut
<       if( defined $conf->{rsyncRestoreLimitToShare} ){
<               my $aqflag = 0;
<               my $aqshare;
<               foreach $aqshare ( $conf->{rsyncRestoreLimitToShare} ){
<                       $aqflag = 1 if  $remoteDir  =~ /^$aqshare/;
<               }
<               if( $aqflag == 0 ){
< my $str = "Erreur vous devez restorer dans ".join(' ou ',$conf->{rsyncRestoreLimitToShare})." uniquement et non pas $remoteDir\n";
<                       $t->{XferLOG}->write(\$str);
<                       $t->{hostError} = "none";
<                       return;
<               }
<       }
<       ## AQUEOS fin

you have to define in your host file this parameter:

$Conf{rsyncRestoreLimitToShare} = ['/var','/home'];

This way you should not be able to restore anyfiles outside of those directories.

I am a bad coder so perhaps some here could help make this better and do the same for the other backup method like tar etc...

legal boilerplate: any ownership of this wonderful piece code is gived to craig so if by any chance he takes it into backup pc he has the right on it ;)


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