I just wrote a perl script (attached) to do this. I'm testing it, but it appears to operate as expected so far. I encourage feedback (please send it to me directly rather than spamming the list).

I'll add this to the wiki after I've used it for a few more days (and fixed any bugs anyone else finds).

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Stephen Joyce wrote:

Due to a hardware failure on my old server, I recently set up a new
backuppc server and it backs up about 85 hosts with a 60-day FullPeriod.

Because I started fresh, right now all of the hosts' schedules are in
lock-step (all got a full the first day, an incr level 1 the next, ...) On
my old server I had staggered the fulls so that only one or two hosts got a
full each night, while the rest got some level of an incremental. This was
a pain to get going--logging each each day and doing a manual full of one
or two hosts, but worked great to keep the backup window managable once it
was going.

So my question is has anyone came up with an automated method to stagger
the separate hosts' fulls across multiple days?


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# BackupPC_distributefulls
# Distribute full dumps of multiple clients across many days in order to
# keep the duration of the nightly BackupPC run (aka your backup
# window) manageable.

#   Stephen Joyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#   Copyright (C) 2008 Stephen Joyce
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Version 0.1, released 26 June, 2008

# How to use
# 1. Save this file as /path/to/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_distributefulls and
#    make it executable.
# 2. Call this file from cron periodically. It will do $daily_count fulls
#    manually each time it's launched. Doing this has the result of
#    distributing full dumps across multiple days (so your BackupPC server
#    doesn't getbogged down doing a full of ALL hosts every $FullPeriod days.
#    Distributing fulls like this keeps the backup window small.
# Under normal circumstances, you would run this from cron daily beginning 
# after a large number of hosts are added to your BackupPC server. Once all
# hosts are processed, the job may be cancelled until the next time it's
# needed. A crontab file for Linux might be called
# /etc/cron.d/BackupPC_distributefulls and look similar to this. (Remove ##
# from each line and change /path/to/BackupPC to the installed location of
# yourBackupPC installation). See the cron man pages for information on
# cron scheduling.
## # /etc/cron.d/BackupPC_distributefulls
## #
## # Stagger fulls of BackupPC hosts across multiple days
## #
##0 12 * * * backup /path/to/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_distributefulls
## # end /etc/cron.d/BackupPC_distributefulls

# variables that you should verify/modify
$DEBUG=0;          # Print debugging information.
$QUIET=0;          # Be very quiet. Generate no output unless an error occurs.
$daily_count=2;    # Number of fulls to run each time this script is launched.
$count_failures=0; # Change to 1 if you only want $daily_count attempts
                   # each day regardless of success or failure (instead of
                   # making attempts until $daily_count dumps are successful).

# other variables you probably won't have to modify
$STATEFILE="$BPCETC/distribute-state.txt"; # Where we save our list of 
processed hosts

#figure out where BackupPC is installed
open CONFIG,"<$CONFIG" or die "Can't open BackupPC config file for reading\n";
while (<CONFIG>) {
  my $line=$_;
  next if ! ($line=~/\$Conf{InstallDir}/);
  # form is $Conf{InstallDir} = '/path/to/BackupPC';
if ( -f "$command" ) {
  print "Found BackupPC installation at $InstallDir\n" if $DEBUG;
} else {
  die "Cound not find BackupPC at $InstallDir. Check BackupPC configuration.\n";

# Read the BackupPC hosts file.
# Construct a list of all hosts BackupPC knows about.
open HOSTS,"<$HOSTSFILE" or die "Can't open BackupPC hosts file for reading";
while (<HOSTS>) {
  my $line=$_;
  next if ($line=~/^#/);
  next if ($line=~/^\s+$/);
  #print "\"$line\"\n";
  if ($line=~/host\s*dhcp\s*user\s*moreUsers/) {
    print "$HOSTSFILE is a valid hostfile.\n" if $DEBUG;
  next if (! $myhost);
  print "Adding host $myhost\n" if $DEBUG;
  push (@hosts,$myhost);
close (HOSTS);
die "$HOSTSFILE doesn't appear to be a valid BackupPC hosts file" if ( ! 
$validhostfile );
print "\n" if $DEBUG;

if ( ! -f $STATEFILE) {
  print "No state file found. Creating..." if ( ! $QUIET );
  print STATE "distribute statefile\n";
  print STATE "# This file tracks hosts we've already processed.\n";
  print STATE "# Deleting a host from this file will cause it to be\n";
  print STATE "# processed the next time BackupPC_distributefulls is 
  print STATE "# (subject to the normal \$daily_count semantics.)\n";
  print " done\n" if ( ! $QUIET );

# Read state file
open STATE,"<$STATEFILE" or die "Can't open state file $STATEFILE file for 
while (<STATE>) {
  my $line=$_;
  next if ($line=~/^#/);
  next if ($line=~/^\s+$/);
  #print "\"$line\"\n";
  if ($line=~/distribute statefile/) {
    print "$STATEFILE is a valid statefile.\n" if $DEBUG;
    print "To re-process a given host, remove its name from $STATEFILE\n" if 
  next if (! $myhost);
  push (@donehosts,$myhost);
close (STATE);
die "$STATEFILE doesn't appear to be a valid state file" if ( ! $validstatefile 

# Do the work
open STATE,">>$STATEFILE" or die "Can't open state file $STATEFILE file for 
for $host (@hosts) {
  next if ($counter >= $daily_count);
  my $processed=0;
  for $phost (@donehosts) {
    $processed=1 if ($phost eq $host);
  if ($processed ) {
    print "Skipping $host. Previously processed.\n" if $DEBUG;
  print "=======\n" if $DEBUG;
  print "Attempting a full backup of $host... " if ( ! $QUIET );
  print "\nRunning command $command -f $host\n" if $DEBUG;
  system ("$command -f $host");
  if ($? != 0 ) {
    # some error occurred. Ack!
    my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
    print "FAILED\n$command reported an error. Examine logs and verify desired 
    print "Exit value was ".$exit_value."\n";
    print "Not saving this host in state file. Will now attempt next host.\n\n";
    $counter++ if $count_failures;
  } else {
    print STATE "$host\n";
    print "Command completed without error. Excellent!\n" if ( ! $QUIET );
  print "=======\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($counter == 0) {
  print " No hosts were processed. Either all commands exited with errors\n or 
all hosts have been previously processed.\n\n In either case, you should take 
action before the next time this\n script launches.\n";
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