Let me preface my questions by saying that I know just about nothing
about Windows administration, never wanted to, never needed to before
now, so this may well be a "duh!" question.

I finially got backuppc to back up my wife's Vista computer using smb
after I figured out that the user name that she logs in with is not the
real user name the system uses. Anyhow, in the backup logs there are a
number of Xfer errors listed. There are 2 types of error; sharing
violations and access violations. The sharing violations I understand
but I was surprised to see access violations since the user is an
administrator. One of the files I get an access violation on is
C:\Documents and Settings. So, from my F8 box I ran

$ smbclient \\\\user-pc\\c\$ -U user

entered the password and got to an smb-> prompt. A directory listing
shows all the files under C: including one named "Documents and
Settings". What really confused me is that is if I log into the Vista
machine as the same user and look at the files on the C: drive (with
the "show hidden files" flag turned on), there is no "Documents and
Settings" file!

So I have 2 questions:

1) Why can't backuppc backup all the files when using smb as an
2) Why does smbclient show files that I cannot see when
logged into the machine directly?


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