Trey Nolen wrote:

> I've looked through the archives a good bit and have found some  
> information
> about moving pools to different servers, but I haven't seen anything  
> on
> this.   We are running a 2.1.x server that is getting pretty full  
> (and old).
> It is using the Debian packages for BackupPC.  We are about to  
> upgrade to a
> new, Ubuntu server (Intrepid) for which the 3.1.0 packages are  
> available.
> My questions are these:  Can I move the pool from a 2.1.x server to  
> a 3.1.0?
> If so, are there any changes I need to implement to make it  
> compatible?  Can
> we go straight from 2.1.x to 3.1.0?  Any other insights would be much
> appreciated.

How many days of history do you keep? If it's only one or two weeks,  
you could just install a fresh server, disable backups on the old one  
and keep the old server around until the new one has a full history.  
No need to bother moving your pool in that case.

Nils Breunese.

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