anandx wrote:

> Is there any newbie guide to setup backuppc ? I wish to setup the same on 
> centos5.2 server.
> I guess on all the windows nodes, i would need to install cygwin+rsync. But 
> how does the client initiate the backups ? Can i configure it to backup once 
> a day or during logout/ shutdown ?
> OR is it that the server initiates the backup ? In my case, all machines are 
> on dhcp, so ips are not fixed.
> Any help would be highly appreciated.

I can't help much with the Windows host setup, but I just put a guide up 
on the CentOS wiki explaining installation on CentOS using rsync to 
backup other Linux clients through rsync.


This is my first post to this list. I just switched from using rsnapshot 
over to BackupPC. So far I really like BackupPC much better because of 
what seems like so many more available options for backups.

Anyways, hopefully that will get you started at least getting it going 
on CentOS, and then you can search around for setting up Windows/Cygwin.


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