Juergen Harms wrote:

> I am trying to plan my first backupPC installation and have a question
> on how to set up the backupc/host file (Mandriva 9.0, intending to use
> rsync).
> The "How BackupPC Finds Hosts" section in the documentation is very
> clear: for DHCP hosts I should set the DHCP flag to 1 and then will  
> get
> NETBIOS name resolution (rmblookup). That means, that I need to  
> install
> a samba server on each DHCP client - which is an overkill and an
> undesired complication, I do not need samba if I use rsync.
> 2 questions:
> 1. If the /etc/hosts files on the server and clients contain the  
> correct
> IP addresses, can I than simply set the DHCP flag to 0 and fake using
> static addresses, even if a host has obtained its address via DHCP?
> 2. If yes, has anybody experience in using nmap for verifying/ 
> correcting
> the /etc/hosts entries for use by backupPC? At present I use nmap (run
> as root) to get a list of valid name<->IP address mappings for  
> manually
>  adjusting addresses if a DHCP laptop needs to assume certain server
> functions. It looks promising to digest this into an automatically run
> procedure.

Most DHCP servers can be configured to hand out the same IP address to  
a machine every time. Have you looked into that? I'd go with either  
that or a proper DNS server.

Nils Breunese.

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