
Glassfox wrote on 22.12.2008 at 16:50:24 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev on 
> I tried a complete restore on my localhost (which also runs BackupPC) today 
> and got a lot of error messages like this:
> "2008-12-22 21:54:23 localhost: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev 
> on device file dev/initctl"
> Any idea what's wrong here?

this is weird.

1.) /dev/initctl is a named pipe. There is no point in *restoring* a named
    pipe, because you can't "restore" the process listening "on the other
    end". You might still want to back up named pipes, for the sake of
    having an exact image of your file system for reference or auditing
    Did all of the error messages refer to named pipes?
2.) As far as I understand the complaining code (FileList/FileList.xs in the
    source of File::RsyncP), it is interpreting the file as a device, not
    a pipe. Might this be related to the "-D" option syntax change in rsync
    2.6.7? Has anyone successfully tested backing up and restoring named

What rsync commands are run for backup and for restore? You can find them in
the XferLOG and RestoreLOG files ...


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