
Timothy Murphy wrote on 2008-12-22 16:11:30 +0000 [[BackupPC-users] BackupPC 
newbie: a couple more questions]:
> 1. I have been looking at various BackupPC HOWTOs and tutorials.
> I see that the "Falko" tutorial at <http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_backuppc>
> recommends (on page 3) that one should enter one's username, 
> "falko" in this case, as the user in /etc/BackupPC/hosts .
> Other tutorials suggest one should use the user "backuppc",
> who was indeed created by "yum install BackupPC".

is that a question?

The answer is: use anything that your web server will authenticate. If you are
using simple htpasswd access (the default, I believe), you can put a user name
"foobar" (and a password) in the htpasswd file and put the same user name in
the BackupPC hosts file. There need not be an existing system user with the
same name. If you are using something more complicated for authentication
(PAM, SMB, LDAP, ...), you'll need (and want) to use user names that exist in
these sources, but that should be clear (after all, it's all about who should
have access to which host(s)).

Pay attention what you set $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} to, else you might be
surprised that your user doesn't get to see administrative options in the web

> 2. This tutorial suggests at one point that when exchanging SSH keys
> one should login to the BackupPC server as backuppc .
> "Yum install BackupPC" did indeed create a user backuppc on the server,
> but the entry in /etc/passwd reads
>         backuppc:x:101:104::/var/lib/BackupPC:/sbin/nologin
> Should this be altered?

No, you don't need to. You can use 'su -s /bin/bash backuppc'. See the man
page for details, and note that you probably need to use 'su' as root, because
the backuppc user probably has no valid password either (this also does not
need to be changed). You rarely need a backuppc user shell, so keeping the
default values (nologin and locked password) makes sense.


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