On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 02:08:27AM +1000, jed wrote:

> Is this app purely for backup across networks to servers, or is it also 
> perfectly fine for local backups of stipulated dirs?

You could set up a server and have it only backup itself - no problem.

> For starters I'm just wanting to regularly backup my Tbird/FF profiles 
> to a separate hdd on the same Mac..

Then BackupPC is probably overkill for you.

> Can it deal with folders that contain data that's live and may be 
> updating at the time of a backup? (hope that makes sense)

No. There's no standard software to backup live data. You always need a
special solution like shutting down the program in question.

Are you using MacOS X? I've heard that Time machine does an excellent
job of backing up data on Macs...

Hope that helps,


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