
Cody Dunne wrote on 2009-01-09 10:58:27 +0800 [Re: [BackupPC-users] vista 
backup question]:
> Holger Parplies wrote:
> > you keep quoting your guide. How about contributing the information (or at
> > least the pointer, but better the information) to the wiki?
> I copied the excludes a while back to the Common_backup_excludes page on 
> the wiki, and keep it updated. If anyone wants to put a link to the 
> other parts of my guide on the wiki or even make a page for all of it, 
> they're welcome to as long as they cite the source. I'm not interested 
> in maintaining both copies, though.

I don't really care one way or the other. Personally, I don't visit random web
sites. If I was looking for information on BackupPC, I'd look at the wiki.
When I give references, those will be to the wiki. If your guide was part of
the wiki, I'd look at it, reference it, and maybe make suggestions for
improvements (or add them to the wiki myself). As it isn't, I won't (I don't
reference what I haven't looked at).

The BackupPC software is open source and available through sourceforge. If you
prefer to offer documentation elsewhere, that is your choice (you may have
good reasons for doing so - I don't know). Providing documentation is
commendable. Making it easily available would be even more so. But that's just
my opinion.

There is a lot of information available on the mailing list. Much of it
doesn't get copied into the wiki. I'm not sure why, but I'm sure that's a
pity. And it's no coincidence I explicitly cc'ed Jeffrey ;-).


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