On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 03:29:12PM -0500, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> On 04/08 10:19 , Boniforti Flavio wrote:
> > OK, so your suggestion is actually to leave them compressed, right?
> > If so, what may I do to avoid re-syncing of many GB of data?
> Backuppc uncompresses the files in the course of comparing the old ones to
> the new ones; or else does it by comparing stored checksums. So it's very
> efficient about not re-transferring files that haven't changed. 

If I understood the OP he already has these files on his backup server
from another backup system. He wants to import these files into the
filestore of backuppc rather than having backuppc have to transfer
them all over again.

I have wanted to do the same and having a BackupPC_compress to
compliment BackupPC_zcat would be a real win.

The BackupPC_compress would compress the file as though it was
processed into ROOT/pc/hostname/... tree. then I could just copy the
file into place and manually create a NewFileList file and run
BackupPC_link over the new tree to get the files in the pool (or use
the donated BackupPC_fixlinks).

For extra credit a: 

  BackupPC_import -H hostname -s share directory

that takes a file tree located at directory and imports that filetree
as though it was a backup done for the share "share" on hostname would
be great as well. Maybe a Google Summer Of Code idea?

In the absense of those commands:


or using google to search for backuppc import should provide some

                                -- rouilj

John Rouillard       System Administrator
Renesys Corporation  603-244-9084 (cell)  603-643-9300 x 111

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