Daniel Carrera wrote:
>> the reference backup
>> for an incremental rsync backup is the *previous backup of lower level* of 
>> the
>> host. Level 1 incrementals will re-transmit any changed files until the next
>> full backup (because they are relative to the previous full, not to each
>> other).
> That seems wasteful. Why is it like that?

The original version only had the timestamp-based tar and smb methods 
and work like more traditional backups.  The rsync-in-perl code was 
added later and stayed mostly compatible until the option for 
incremental level settings was added in recent versions.

>> The next full will not re-transmit these files (unless they have
>> changed once again).
> So it's possible that a full backup runs faster than an incremental 
> because it doesn't have to transmit everything again?

The full itself would take as long - but the one following the full 
which becomes the next reference copy could be much faster than another 
incremental based on the older full.

    Les Mikesell

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