
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote on 2009-09-29 02:49:11 -0400 [Re: [BackupPC-users] 
Switching backup methods]:
> Holger Parplies wrote at about 15:54:25 +0200 on Saturday, September 26, 2009:
>  > [...]
>  > 3. I believe I recall reading that *restoring* a backup *made with rsync*
>  >    with the tar XferMethod produces warnings (or errors?) - probably
>  >    because tar doesn't understand the "deleted file" entries in the
>  >    attrib files. [...]
> If I am understanding you correctly, then presumably this problem
> would only occur for incremental backups and not for full backups
> since the concept of "deleted file" shouldn't exist in a full backup.

I agree on that, but I have never experienced the problem myself, just read
about it one or two times over the last years. At the time, I wasn't familiar
with the attrib file contents. Now, it makes sense that this problem could
occur. But I might be mistaking things. The important part is that if you run
into problems when restoring after changing the XferMethod, changing it back
for the restore might help.

> Second, how do tar incrementals signal deleted files if they don't use
> the "deleted file type" (10) attribute?

They don't. tar can't detect deleted files. Deleting a file doesn't change its
modification time, it deletes it ;-).

> I have never used tar as a XferMethod before so I don't understand how it
> works differently from rsync here...

Well, you don't have fileLists ... a full tar backup is just a tar stream of
all the files on the sender side, which is then interpreted by BackupPC and
integrated into the pool. An incremental tar backup is a tar stream of all
the files on the sender side that have changed since a timestamp. Files not
present are either unchanged or deleted (or moved to a new location). There's
no way to tell which.


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