
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote on 2009-10-07 09:33:51 -0400 [[BackupPC-users] What 
happened to the part of the Wiki with user-contributed utilities?]:
> I was trying to add updated versions of my routines (e.g.,
> BackupPC_deleteFile, BackupPC_fixLinks) to the user contribution
> portion of the Wiki and was not able to find it. Not sure if I'm
> looking in the wrong place
> (http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/backuppc/index.php?title=Main_Page#Welcome_to_the_BackupPC_Wiki.21)
> or if that area of the Wiki has moved or been eliminated.

"that area of the Wiki"? Frankly, the Main_Page doesn't seem to link to *any*
wiki content. But the wiki pages seem to be there, and they're really easy to
find: just press "Random page" repeatedly until you've found what you're
looking for. I was lucky, I got to "title=CustomUserScripts" with three or
four clicks. How many does it take you (and don't cheat by using the page
title ;-)?

Assuming I ever manage to create a SF account (the pages seem to be optimized
toward not working with my browser version), I might even join the distributed
content recovery effort (sort of an fsck for wikis ... we could create a page
"lost+found" and put links to any pages we find in there).

Have fun.


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