Chris Baker wrote:
>>> Are you sure the teamed NIC setup matches on the switch and 
>>> server?  It's not likely that you'll ever exceed 1 gig 
>>> throughput with backuppc anyway.
> What do you mean by matches?

Teamed NICs need to be configured at both host and switch ends and at least on 
the linux side there are options for how the balancing/failover works.  You 
could try just using one to see if things get better or worse.

> Throughput for this server is generally below average. Some of my older
> workstations can get 4 MB/sec. This server is often less than 2 MB/sec.
> However, it did get 11 MB/sec--that only happened once.

A common cause of very slow networking is having one of the connections 
configured for 'full duplex' where the other end is set to negotiate.  When one 
end doesn't negotiate the other is forced to pick half duplex which then causes 
errors.  Can you try some big file transfers with ftp or other faster protocol 
to get an idea of what the network is doing?  Then look for errors with 
and the switch port management commands.  But backuppc's rsync speed is hard to 
predict since it has to read all the remote files for the block checksum 
comparison and uncompress some on the server side.

   Les Mikesell

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