Hi all

On Sat, 22 May 2010 03:01:40 +0100, Lluis <lluis.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any idea about this. The objective is to achive an almost automatic
> configuration for my backup system.

        there is no silver bullet, as each setup might be different, 
but i use a couple of scripts:

script to install the ssh keys for root user, run by 
"install-root.sh backup_machine_name"

if [ -z $1 ] ; then 
        echo install-root.sh [hostname]
        exit 1

scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/Scripts/fix-key.sh r...@$1:/tmp/
ssh r...@$1 '/tmp/fix-key.sh
cp ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~backuppc/.ssh/known_hosts
echo "add to backuppc?"
read a
if [ "$a" == "y" ] ; then
        ~/Scripts/new-pc.sh $1

This script copies the fix-key.sh to the machine and run
it (if the remote machine dont have root active, just use the
"sudo /tmp/fix-key.sh"). In the fix-key.sh i have:

test -d ~root/.ssh/ || mkdir ~root/.ssh/
cat /tmp/id_rsa.pub >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys
# fix owner
chown -R root:root ~root/.ssh || chown -R root:wheel ~root/.ssh
# only root and admin can use ssh
echo AllowUsers root admin >> /etc/sshd_config
rm /tmp/id_rsa.pub /tmp/fix-key.sh >/dev/null 2>&1

Its not perfect, running several times will add several AllowUsers
lines and the chown may give error output, but i can live with it :)

after the remote install, i add the new machine to the backuppc,
the new-pc.sh is this:

set -x
if [ -z $1 ] ; then 
        echo new-pc.sh [hostname]
        exit 1

cd /root/Scripts ||  exit 2

test -f /etc/backuppc/$i.pl &&  echo $i already there && exit 3 
echo "$i        0       admin   unix" >> /etc/backuppc/hosts
cp -i  /etc/backuppc/+template+.pl /etc/backuppc/$i.pl 
chown backuppc:www-data  /etc/backuppc/$i.pl

# edit any special requirement for the new host
nano /etc/backuppc/$i.pl
/etc/init.d/backuppc reload

I have the +template+.pl the normal config for my hosts and
edit that file to fine tune any special requirement for a host

this is the generic unix script, macosx is almost the same, the 
initial script is the install-admin.sh, that just change the
remote user to admin and uses the sudo to execute the remote script.

For windows its almost the same, and i already publish it in this
comment (next with a ready to use zip client package)


so, to finish, this isnt totally automatic, but requires
little input (mostly the passwords, specially if you comment
the nano entry)

If you do a list of machines to install, doing a for cycle
to install then all isnt hard. if the password is the same, 
perfect, copy it to the clipboard and you just have to paste

Good luck
Naturally the common people don't want war... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a 
simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or
a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are 
being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and
exposing the country to danger.  It works the same in every country.
           -- Hermann Goering, Nazi and war criminal, 1883-1946

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