Bob Wooden wrote:

> I have been using BackupPC for six months or more now to backup one
> computer here at my home. This gave myself a little time to learn long
> term ramifications of various settings I tried. (My BackupPC server runs
> on a Ubuntu 10.04LTS (lucid) server, if that is important to anyone.)
> Now, adding additional machine to the BackupPC host list, I had issues
> getting the first backup to run. I checked and re-checked my
> passwordless ssh settings. Confirmed that 'ssh -l root
> [client_ip_address] whoami' returned correct answer as 'su backuppc'
> user (answer came back as 'root'). But, when I returned to the home page
> of the client, clicking the 'Start Full Backup' would fail.
> Then, I remembered experiencing this during my initial setup six months
> or so ago.
> On the server, I would run the troubleshoot command:
> 'sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -f
> [backupclient]'
> After the command line completed, clients began working properly.
> Now, I have completed adding three other clients to my backup list. All
> three had to have the troubleshoot command run once to complete the
> setup process.
> The bottom line here is that BackupPC would not backup my clients before
> I ran the troubleshoot command line instruction. I did not change any
> client setting or configuration. And after running the command, BackupPC
> functions properly, proceeding with automatic backups, etc. like it
> should.
> I am not complaining, but is there an easier way? Does everyone have to
> run their first backup by the command troubleshoot line, like I did?
Hello Bob,

I have some Linux as well as some Windows client with public/private key
over ssh and I didn't have had this problem with any of my clients.
Do you have established the host key on the client?
What is the error message of "'Start Full Backup' would fail"?

The BackupPC_dump isn't a "troubleshoot command" but the normal backup
command. Normaly called from the backuppc daemon.

Don't Panic

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