Le 09/10/2010 18:19, Les Mikesell a écrit :
> On 10/9/10 10:39 AM, Xuo wrote:
>> Le 06/10/2010 15:04, Michael Stowe a écrit :
>>>>   Hi,
>>>> I would like to backup some laptop computers (for my personal needs).
>>>> For the moment, I automount the shared directories of the Windows 7 PC
>>>> on my Linux backuppc server. This works fine but the problem is that
>>>> some backups are not performed when the laptop is shut down. The backups
>>>> start because the Linux server is running but the mount point is down.
>>>> I would like to know what are the advantages/drawbacks for laptop pcs of
>>>> the following policies :
>>>>      * automount of shared directories + rsync (what I do now).
>>>>      * smb + tar
>>>>      * rsyncd
>>>>      * Other ?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Xuo.
>>> Well, if the laptop's down, none of these methods will help you back it
>>> up, obviously, but here's a brief outline of the pros and cons:
>>> * automount of shared directories + rsync (what I do now).
>>> Probably the least bandwidth-efficient, since rsync has to read every file
>>> over the mount.  Can't handle open files.
>>> * smb
>>> Requires the least amount of software on the client.  Uses timestamp for
>>> incrementals, so can miss copied files and renamed directories during
>>> incrementals.  Can't handle open files.
>>> * automount of shared directories + tar
>>> All the disadvantages of mounting plus all the disadvantages of tar
>>> * rsyncd/rsync
>>> Can be bandwidth efficient and seamless, there are scripts publicly
>>> available that can handle open files.  Within this category, the
>>> variations of ssh/rsyncd, rsyncd, winexe/rsync have varying degrees of
>>> speed, ease of deployment, and encryption.  I use the winexe/rsync method
>>> since we have no need of encryption, so we prioritize speed and ease of
>>> deployment.
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for your answer and sorry for the delay in response.
>>     * Point 1 : you say rsync has to read all files over the mount, but I 
>> think
>>       it is more or less the same for all methods.
> If you run rsync over the network instead of locally over a network mount, 
> only 
> the differences are transferred.  The rsync instances at each end only 
> exchange 
> block checksums to identify already-matching content.  On a fast LAN, the 
> difference may not matter.
>>     * Point 4 : it seems to be the most widely used but it needs so 
>> executables
>>       on all clients. This is a big disadvantage.
> Yes, there are some tradeoffs.  You could also use smb as the xfer method - 
> with 
> the disadvantage of missing new files with old timestamps in incrementals.

How can this happen ? If this file has an old timestamps, then it means
that it was moved from a directory into the one which is saved. Then it
is a new file, then it should be saved.
>>     * One point you did not mentioned and I considered as important (if I
>>       understand the way backupPC works).
>>           o In case of automounts, the mount point is considered as a local
>>             directory. If the laptop PC is shutdown, then the directory is
>>             considered empty and the backup ends normally. There is no more
>>             backup till the next usual one.
> You could use a DumpPreUserCmd or DumpPreShareCmd action to check for 
> something 
> below the mount point and set UserCmdCheckStatus to fail the backup so 
> retries 
> will happen.
This is a good idea.
>>           o If backups are done with smb, then, if the laptop is shutdown, 
>> the
>>             backup fails and it will be scheduled for the next time (for ex, 
>> one
>>             hour later). This is a major advantage of smb vs automount.
>>           o With rsync/rsyncd, I don't know what the behavior is.
> Rsync/rsyncd will fail if the connection fails.


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