> rsync'ing the BackupPC data pool is generally recommended against. The
> number of hardlinks causes an explosive growth in memory consumption by
> rsync and while you may be able to get away with it if you have 20GB of
> data (depending on how much memory you have); you will likely run out of
> memory when your amount of data gets larger.

this issue sure comes up alot, and perhaps i should just keep quiet
since i personally am in no position to do it or even go off looking
for an rsync forum, nor do i have any knowledge of just how convoluted
the rsync source may be to try to look at, but as a naive outsider it
seems still it ought not to be such a task to have a go at the rsync
source and come out with a version that sorted its xferlist into
[filesystem:inode] order if preserving hardlinks, or possibly just
created a simple [filesystem:inode] index of files already transfered,
in replacement of whatever mangy hardlink table is in there now.

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