> I'm about to set up a remote backup server to backup images of virtual
> machines.
> What would the data transfer be (after the intial "sneakernet" transfer)
> when a remote image gets updated/changed? Filename would not change, but
> contents and maybe size would.

An entire new copy of that day's VM disk image will be created each day.
BackupPC doesn't compute or store diffs, if that's what you were thinking.
All it can do is store a new copy of the entire disk image, if even one
byte has changed in it.

This is likely to be infeasible unless you have a very large amount of
storage and transfer bandwidth.  When I set up BackupPC I quickly realized
that the daily VM images were going to consume all of my backup storage in
a very short time, so I added rules to exclude all of them.

The fallback strategy is to configure each VM internally as a BackupPC

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