
i want to backup a spesific directory under a windows PC.

my server is on ubuntu.

when i try to access/backup the root dir ( for example smbclient  -U adminuser //comptername/d$/ -c "dir") i have no issues.

when i do this smbclient  -U adminuser //comptername/d$/ -c "cd subfolder; dir" i get the content.

but when i try to do this smbclient  -U adminuser //comptername/d$/subfolder -c "dir"

i get this error: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

the same happens on backuppc - if i try the D$ it is ok, but too much data that i do not need, if i try D$\subfolder or D$/subfolder i get NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

can you please point me to understand what is my issue?



Adi Spivak

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