On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 3:34 AM, Joe Skop <joe.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a lot of problems. The solutions for recovering was, in my chase:
> - Create an archive with the whole files, transfer on the new
> instance, decompress it, and put on the right place;
> - Download singolar files or folders, not bigger of 70/100 Mb (or the
> download process hangs), transfer on the new instances and so like
> before.

Hangs?  Is this a network problem?

> If I send the recovering via shell:
> /usr/bin/ssh -x -l USER localhost env LC_ALL=C /bin/tar -x -p
> --numeric-owner --same-owner -v -f - -C /tmp
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate -h SERVER_ORIG -n 134 -s
> /mnt/dump -t -r /mysql -p /mysql/ /mysql/backup.log
> /bin/tar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' option
> Try `/bin/tar --help' or `/bin/tar --usage' for more information.

I don't understand what you are trying to do there.   Can you explain
where you are  when you issue that command and where you expect the
parts to execute?  I assume you want the output of BackupPC_tarCreate
on the backuppc server piped into a tar extract (which probably needs
to run as root) on the host you are restoring, but that command won't
do it.

  Les Mikesell

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