I have installed BackupPC 3.2.1 on a "DNS-323" embedded ARM NAS, (running GNU 
BSD Net). Things seem to work ok, but I am getting this error message in the 
2011-11-01 01:01:46 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_sendEmail
2011-11-01 01:01:47 Finished  admin1  (BackupPC_nightly 128 255)
2011-11-01 01:01:54  admin : msmtp: no recipients found. 
admin : msmtp: recipient address John not accepted by the server
admin : msmtp: server message: 553-5.1.2 We weren't able to find the recipient 
domain. Please check for any spelling errors, and make sure you didn't enter 
any spaces, periods, punctuation after the recipient's email address. 
2011-11-02 01:01:56  admin : msmtp: could not send mail (account default from 
2011-11-02 01:01:58  admin : msmtp: recipient address John not accepted by the 
I don't understand where it's taking the address "John" from.
(BTW, I notice that BackupPC_nightly is still of version 3.1.0, 2007)
TIA - MaryG

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