On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Robert E. Wooden <rbrte...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Thanks everyone.
> I will add that I am not running SELinux nor am I running ufw (Ubuntu
> firewall.)
> I am an Ubuntu OS house.
> I have even considered a ssh blacklist but, I cannot find one anywhere
> (unless I am looking in the wrong directories.)
> I am beginning to consider possible hardware issues but, it worked
> before I re-installed the OS. So, that doesn't make much sense.
> What can this issue be???

One other thing that can cause trouble is any output sent before the
rsync program starts (from /etc/profile, .bashrc, etc.).  Stock rsync
will ignore that and work anyway, but the backuppc implementation will
fail.  I didn't see any in your test, but perhaps you didn't paste the
entire results.   Also, you might look at /var/log/secure on the
target system to see if any problem is reported for the ssh

  Les Mikesell

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