On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 6:01 AM, M.Baert <m.ba...@free.fr> wrote:
> I just reinstalled ubuntu (12.04 to replace 10.10) and backuppc
> (.deb 3.2.1-2ubuntu1.1 replacing 3.2.0-3ubuntu4~maverick1).
> I have a .tgz of old /etc/backuppc and /var/lib/backuppc.
> The store is on an external disk, which was mounted from fstab :
>    UUID=d8a382ae-f0ad-49ca-907b-1e99483ef5aa /var/lib/backuppc/store
> ext4 defaults,noauto,noatime 0 2
> Now I need to restore the configuration, but I'm afraid of damaging my
> store/pool.
> The simple plan I have in mind:
>   - stop the service
>   - overwrite or merge the files from /etc/backuppc/
>   - overwrite or merge the files from /var/lib/backuppc/
>   - merge /etc/fstab and mount the disk
>   - start backuppc service and pray.
> Is there any specific precautions I should take ?

The only likely problems would be if the backuppc version has changed
or the packaging has changed the locations for things - and these
shouldn't have much chance of harming your existing archive.     What
I usually do for similar cases is save copies of the current copies
before the restore and diff against the restored copies to make sure I
understand the configuration setting differences.

   Les Mikesell

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