
Nicolas Cauchie wrote on 2013-05-30 14:36:54 +0200 [[BackupPC-users] BlackOut 
during entire days]:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking for a trick to program a blackout during weekends days (from 
> saturaday morning 00h to sunday night 24h).
> Results : no backups at all saturadays and sundays.
> From Google :
>     $Conf{BlackoutPeriods} = [
>     {
>         hourBegin =>  0.0,
>         hourEnd   => 24.0,
>         weekDays  => [0,7],
>     },
> seems to don't work..
> Any idea ?

usually, this is a result of not having enough good pings, but in this case
I'd guess you have a wakeup scheduled for 0:00, and this is when backups are
started. You could drop this wakeup from the schedule or shift it by a small
amount. Then again, BlackoutPeriods is checked when the backup is *run* (as
opposed to *queued*), which would tend to be slightly later than the wakeup
anyway - at least for some hosts, unless all are started in parallel. Check
your configuration(*).


(*) We can't. We haven't got it.

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