
you should read this part
http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/BackupPC.html of the documentation
as Till proposed. Basically, you need to setup a connection that uses
a public/private key connection without password.

The only not obvious part of the documentation is that you need to
make sure that you can connect to the other machine as user backuppc
and not as root. That took me some time to understand. :-)


Monday, September 16, 2013, 1:56:46 PM, you wrote:

> I read the doc, but I don't understand the rsync method settings.
> "Rsync is run on the remote client via rsh or ssh."
> http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/BackupPC.html#_conf_rsyncclientcmd_

> The default parameter:
> $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host $rsyncPath $argList+';

> I try this:
> $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l username $hostIP $rsyncPath 
> $argList+';

> but how can I set the password parameter in ssh connection?

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Michael Schumacher
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