
I've spent far too long writing an email and trying to make it make sense and
then discarding it again.

Just one thought I want to rescue: the RStmp file was really *large*
(something like 1.5 GB), your backup trees are really *large* (1.4 TB), your
pool FS is really *full* (27.5 GB free). Running out of space during a backup
is a bad idea. Both the RStmp file(s) will be truncated (though that should
trigger a second error when it is *written*, just before it is read again) and
the NewFileList, which would, in turn, lead to BackupPC_link missing new files
it would be supposed to link into the pool (resulting in unlinked files).

That doesn't explain your situation, but it still might be something to think
about (and we might be seeing one problem on top of and as result of another).
I agree with Jeffrey - an "Unable to read ..." error *without* a preceeding
"Can't write len=... to .../RStmp" sounds like a mismatch between file length
according to attrib file and result of decompression of compressed file -
probably caused by corruption of the compressed file (or the attrib file,
though unlikely, because the size is not "way off").

How many backups are/were you running in parallel?

Hope that helps.


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