
Gopu Krishnan wrote on 2013-11-27 12:27:15 +0530 [[BackupPC-users] Not getting 
any mail after the backup]:
> Hi,
> I have deployed a new backuppc in my CentOS 6.4 server and backup is
> running fine except the mails. I am no longer receiving any mails after the
> backups, no matter whether it was successful or not. When I test it as
> below :
> ./BackupPC_sendEmail -u gopu@mailaddress
> Sending test email using /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f backuppc@backup-sever
> it send the test mail successfully and I got received the test. So issue is
> with the backup status only. Even I have tried to send a test mail using :
> mail emai_address
> as the user backuppc and received fine. Kindly let me know whether I need
> to check.

what is $Conf {EMailUserDestDomain} set to? When you write "mail emai_address",
do you mean an unqualified address (i.e. without "@domain.tld")? You will
either need to arrange for unqualified addresses to be forwarded to the right
place (which you might already have done) or set up EMailUserDestDomain.

Hope that helps.


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