
Rob Morin wrote on 2014-05-07 09:43:12 -0400 [Re: [BackupPC-users] Rename of 
> BTW even if i use the rename command on the root partition or any partition
> i get pretty much the same error no matter what user I am...

("the rename command" having been ...

> RM> backuppc@locutus:~/pc/momentumvserver.momentum.local$ rename 
> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/momentumvserver.momentum.local/new 
> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/momentumvserver.momentum.local/0

). Yes, the syntax is the same for all users. It doesn't magically become
correct if you try as a different user. For what you would for unknown reasons
have been wanting to do above, it would be (on Debian et al. with Perl rename
a.k.a. prename) for example

        rename s/new/0/ /var/lib/backuppc/pc/momentumvserver.momentum.local/new

Again, BackupPC does *not* use the Perl rename command, it uses the system
call rename(2), accessible from within Perl as the builtin function "rename".
Don't confuse "Perl rename command" as having anything other to do with Perl
than it coincidentally being implemented in Perl. That does *not* make
independent Perl scripts (such as BackupPC or BackupPC_dump) magically use it.

To Jeffrey, from 'perldoc -f rename':

               For a platform independent "move" function look at the
               File::Copy module.


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