
abel elenas wrote on 2014-06-24 10:16:04 +0200 [Re: [BackupPC-users] Error: 
directory is empty ... on cgi/website]:
> [...]
> So, the trouble are related to a migration of /var/lib/backuppc from one
> hard drive to another...
> [...]
> selinux is enabled on the pc.

I don't use SElinux, but from what I've read on this list, I'd look at the man
page for 'restorecon'.

> [...]
> i don't know selinux very well [...]

Neither do I, but my impression is that with something as invasive as SElinux,
you *should* try to get to know as much about it as possible, if you choose to
use it. At least this much: if you've got a problem with access permissions,
there's not only UNIX file permissions to consider, there's also the layer of
SElinux mandatory access control.

There must be a reason at least some major distributions ship with SElinux
turned off by default. And: it's not by chance I asked whether you are running
SElinux. It's just the first thing that springs to mind with such problems,
because many people before you have made the same mistake.

> But what actually drive my crazy is, that i have not the single line
> tellings me that something goes wrong in my logs...

Well, that's the *good thing* about mandatory access control. If you're not
allowed to see it, there's nothing there. As far as BackupPC_Admin is
concerned, there's just an empty directory - actually, I'm surprised it even
sees the directory; I would have expected it to see an empty $TopDir.

And that's exactly the message you get. Empty directory. BackupPC_Admin
doesn't know *why* the directory is empty. It's not as if it gets an error
code "there's something there, but you're not allowed to see it" when
attempting the access.


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