
raceface wrote on 2014-07-06 18:01:55 +0200 [[BackupPC-users] Restore not 
> [mostly empty lines]
> /usr/bin/sudo /tar/tarRestore -x -p --numeric-owner --same-owner -v -f - -C 
> $shareName
> [...]
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /bin/tar -M -x -f - "$@"
> [...]
> /bin/tar: Options `--f' and `--f' both want standard input
> [...]
> Does anybody has any ideas?


1.) If you have nothing to say, do so. We don't need hundreds of empty lines.
2.) Get rid of that script 'tarRestore'. It's confusing you to the point you
    don't see the obvious: 'tar' only wants *one* '-f' option, not two. It's
    also very pointless. If you think you're making things more secure, you're
    wrong - quite the opposite is the case. Just replace '/tar/tarRestore'
    with '$tarPath' as it used to be. The rest of your command line seems ok.
3.) Multi-volume tars? Honestly?

Hope that helps.


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