On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Richard Stockton - Tierpoint Systems
Administrator <richard.stock...@tierpoint.com> wrote:
> 2nd try: 1st didn't post to list...
> Isn't there anyone out there who has had a similar problem?  I can't
> believe I'm the only one.  Further investigation shows the problem
> is happening for almost all of my 14 hosts.
> Bottom line: The incrementals get (and create) all the files, but the
> full backups only create empty directories.  No errors are shown in
> the logs, and the GUI shows all the backups as complete.  When the
> incrementals are deleted, the fulls don't have everything, and data
> is permanently lost.
> This is using rsync between multiple CentOS (Linux) boxes.
> I REALLY need to get this fixed.  Anybody?  Please help.

It doesn't make any sense to me.  There was a recent thread on the list:
which sounded similarly broken, but that was on ubuntu and fixed with
a re-install.  My best guess would be that some perl module is
corrupted (unless your xfer logs are full of 'can't link errors).

If you installed the package from EPEL, you can use 'rpm -Vv BackupPC'
to see if any of the package files have been changed since

   Les Mikesell

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
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