On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:40 AM, raceface <raceface_the_...@gmx.net> wrote:
> thank you for being that kind to non professionals. I have only 3 blank
> lines in my last posting and 21 non blank, don't know, why you get more
> blank 50 times more blank lines. Using this script is a suggestion of the
> backuppc FAQ and not my personal idea. This script helps me getting backuppc
> running full backups. Using $tarPath ends in error " sudo: no tty present
> and no askpass program specified". Root has also no rights to login via ssh,
> so ssh is no option. Giving the user backuppc sudo rights is no option, to
> prevent having too much users with to many rights.

Personally I use rsync with ssh keys for the local host so it is not a
special case - and I don't use sudo so I haven't had that problem.
But, $* is almost always the wrong thing to put in a shell script vs.
$@ because it won't keep parameters with embedded spaces together.

   Les Mikesell

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