
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote on 2014-11-07 09:54:01 -0500 [Re: 
[BackupPC-users] web GUI downloading BIN file Ubuntu 14.04]:
> On 11/07 12:20 , Tom Fallon wrote:
> > The problem appears to be one of PEBKAC :( I tried accessing the GUI on 
> > another browser and it's fine. My (normally reliable) Firefox install 
> > appears to be the culprit not the backuppc installation as I can access 
> > in Chromium absolutely fine. Should really have tried that first....
> > 
> > So sorry to trouble everyone with a non-issue however hopefully my 
> > admission of stupidity here may help someone else with the same problem 
> > from making the same mistake as I did....
> well, that's different.
> Thanks for the update at least!

while I'm no web server configuration guru, to me, this actually does sound
like a web server configuration issue as the root cause (or possibly the CGI
that generates the page, though I suspect we'd have heard of the problem
frequently before). Something like an incorrect MIME type that Chromium
handles differently than Firefox, an incorrect character encoding, an
incorrect or missing HTTP header field, strange characters in the generated
page ...

I suppose you can browse other pages correctly with Firefox, so, assuming a
page that is not in some subtle way weird, why should it want to save the page
to a file instead of displaying it? Other browsers will be either more or less
forgiving of such weirdness. But, ideally, the page should be viewable on
*any* browser, i.e. *not* be weird :). In particular, from the thread I gather
this problem is special to Ubuntu 14.04 on the *server* side, meaning for
other server side environments your Firefox displays the page just fine.

While your workaround may suffice for you, I would not blame this on you or on
Firefox, unless some evidence for a misconfiguration of Firefox can be found.

Nonetheless, your advice to try out different browsers in case of such a
problem is definitely worth noting.


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