On 2015-03-03 09:07, Arjen Klaverstijn wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to restore a backup folder from an Ubuntu server to a
> windows 7 pc with cygwin/rsyncd the restore hangs. When I restore a
> subfolder with a small amount of content it recovers fine, but when I
> restore the entire folder it just hangs on the smallest file, there is
> no pattern and debugging is hard because it just hangs on a file,
> being busy but not failing. when i 'watch' lsof i can see the file it
> hangs at, that's it. Could it be because of filepaths that are to long
> because of the amount of subdirs? I hope someone can help! I know my
> backup is there, but restoring all the dirs separately is an
> impossible job!
> Arjen

One thing to keep in mind is that Windows file semantics will prevent 
restoration of open files; rsync will generally just wait for the file 
to no longer be open, which will never happen.

You can always restore the files using some other method (zip, tar) if 
this is the case, but (of course) you won't be able to put them in place 
until the files are closed (this can be accomplished using the recovery 
console for files which are *never* closed, such as the registry.

Since you're using lsof, it seems as if you're diagnosing the wrong end. 
  What's happening at the Windows end?

At any rate, other things that can cause this behavior:
* Lack of permission
* NTFS corruption
* Junctions
* Character encoding mismatches
* Anti-virus software
* buggy versions of rsync
* not waiting long enough

That's probably not an exhaustive list.  Sure, "lots of folders" might 
make the list, but I'd think that would [also] cause a problem backing 
up the files in the first place.

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