On 14/03/2015 22:08, Angus Kerr wrote:

I really struggled to get this working. I thought it might be a good idea to update the section.

I've edited the ssh section to tailor it specifically to cater for an unprivileged user 'backuppc' As root use visudo to create a sudoers file for backuppc, but with permissions only to run rsync.

                visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/backuppc

Copy the following text in the file and save it

                #Sudoers file for backuppc user to run rsync

                backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync

Note that this will give the user root access easily enough. The user could create the file they want in /tmp, and then use sudo rsync to overwrite the target file (or copy a file they don't have read access to a location they do have access, including another machine). Therefore, this entire process is hardly worth the effort and additional complexity IMHO.

touch /home/backuppc/.ssh/authorized_keys2
cat BackupPC_id_rsa.pub >> /home/backuppc/authorized_keys2
Why touch the file when the next command will create it anyway (if it didn't exist)? BTW, on every system I've seen, the file should be called authorized_keys without the 2 on the end.
You need to place each client's public key into backuppc's |~/.ssh/known_hosts| file, otherwise you will get a

     Host key verification failed.

    error, and backuppc will not be able to log into the client. To
    place the client key into the |~/.ssh/known_hosts| file, you need
    to do this (make sure |~/.ssh/client_id_rsa.pub| is the client's
    public key, which needs to be copied from the client):
    As user backuppc

     touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts
     cat ~/.ssh/Fred-pc_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

    Repeat this step to add each client's key i.e. Mary-pc_rsa.pub and
    whatever the other keys are named.

You might be prompted the first time to accept the client's host key and you might be prompted for backuppc's password on the client. Make sure that this command runs cleanly with no prompts after the first time. You might need to check |/etc/hosts.equiv| on the client. Look at the man pages for more information. The |-v| option to ssh is a good way to get detailed information about what fails.
If you added the key to the known_hosts file, then you wouldn't get prompted to accept the hosts key. If you are going to manually test/accept the key, then you may as well not waste time messing around with it in the first place.

The above configuration means that the only command that backuppc can run is rsync.

Until they use rsync to replace the /etc/sudoers file with whatever they want....

BTW, thank you for the write up, I'm sure it will be useful and helpful for many people, just pointing out that additional obscurity doesn't necessarily mean it is more secure.

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