Holger Parplies wrote at about 21:24:33 +0200 on Thursday, May 7, 2015:
 > Hi,
 > Gerald Brandt wrote on 2015-05-07 12:54:51 -0500 [Re: [BackupPC-users] 
 > Manual delete script]:
 > > Sorry.  I'm trying to delete specific backups.  Some older fulls that I 
 > > don't need anymore.  If I recall, the script took the computer name and 
 > > the backup number as arguments, and deleted the files and updated 
 > > anything else it needed to.
 > I believe 'rm' will get you most of the way. It sort of takes the computer
 > name and backup number as arguments, too:
 >      rm -r $TopDir/pc/hostname/num
 > It doesn't check dependencies, though, so it will mess up any incremental
 > backups still depending on the backup you are removing. It will also leave 
 > the
 > line for the backup in the backups file, so BackupPC might still show the
 > backup in the web interface (I'm not sure whether it checks for the directory
 > or not). This is easy to fix in a text editor. It also won't remove the
 > corresponding backup log file. Again: rm.
 > If I remember correctly, the script you were referring to went to some 
 > trouble
 > to handle backup dependencies correctly, as well as delete individual *files*
 > from one or more backups, including fixing the attrib files, which is far 
 > more
 > difficult. It sounds as if you don't need all of that.

I believe there are actually 2 scripts.

One (which I did not write though I made some small edits to it) is called 
BackupPC_deleteBackups that is a relatively simple Bash
shell script that does a little more than just "rm -rf" the backups. I
believe it:

        - mv's them to the Backuppc trash folder to allow more graceful

        - Allows backing up of a range of backups

    - Makes sure you don't delete a backup that has a backup

    - Cuts the corresponding backup info file line from the 'backup'
      file at the root of the host backup.

    - Deletes the backup-specific log files

        - And optionally (laugh now) runs BackupPC_nightly
      afterwards... but it probably does it wrong by calling the
      procedure directly rather than using server message..

The other is the one Holger references which I wrote and is a
relatively complicated Perl script that handles deletions/insertions
and their dependencies at the individual file level. It is called
BackupPC_deleteFile.pl and is used to delete one or more files (or
directories) from one or more backups, while being sure not to change
incremental backup dependencies -- it requires delicate "surgery" on
the attrib files of both the selected backup(s) and their various
antecedents and dependents.

I suppose this second version could be used to delete entire shares
but it would be just a glorified Perl version of rm -rf <share
name>... and it wouldn't delete the log files

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