On 10/12/2015 5:24 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> On 10/12 09:41 , Holger Parplies wrote:
>>> Hmm, the stock monitrc file provides the following suggestion among others:
>>> #    if failed url http://user:passw...@www.foo.bar:8080/?querystring
>>> #       and content == 'action="j_security_check"'
>>> So perhaps monit could log into the BackupPC host and check one of bpc's
>>> output pages for certain content.
>> The problem with that is that it checks for a running web server, not a
>> running BackupPC daemon (well, unless the requested web page in turn tries to
>> contact the server, in which case you'd have to parse the result out of the
>> web page).
> The reason I suggested the above check is that it appears to parse content
> out of a web page. This could be configured to look for a text string that
> only appears when BackupPC is running.
> Monit is capable of just doing a simple test to see if a webserver is
> listening or even if just a TCP port is listening, but this test is more
> involved than those.

If the BackupPC daemon is not running, the web gui on my system gives 
the message "Error: Unable to connect to BackupPC server" on the main 
status page, so you could have monit look for that message on the page.  
I'm running BPC 3.1.0.  The message might be different on other versions.


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