I have noticed that when I run the backup from the web UI, I see this line:

Got remote protocol 1768059695 

but when i run it on the command line, I see this one:

Got remote protocol 31 

That number (31 or 1768059695) is a version number as seen in the file 
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/File/RsyncP.pm in the remoteStart function.
That version number is supposed to be between 20 and 40.

With a version number of 1768059695, the function remoteStart crashes with the 
message starting with "Fatal error (bad version):" (line 407-408 of 
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/File/RsyncP.pm from package 

So there seems to be a bug in BackupPC somewhere.
Where is that number 1768059695 coming from?

I have BackupPC-3.3.1-1.fc22.x86_64 installed on Fedora 22.


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