I have glanced at the code and also believe that BackupPC_fsck is running 
unnecessarily after every backup attempt, whether it is successful or not.

In my xferLogs, BackupPC_refCountUpdate is being called twice at the end of 
a backup. Once like this:

Xfer PIDs are now
Running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -h afsgaia1.cas.unc.edu on somehost.unc.edu
xferPids 4508
BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host somehost.unc.edu got 0 errors
BackupPC_refCountPrint: total errors: 0
Finished BackupPC_refCountUpdate (running time: 16 sec)

Then again like this:
Running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -h somehost.unc.edu -f -c on somehost.unc.edu
xferPids 4509
BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host somehost.unc.edu got 0 errors
BackupPC_refCountPrint: total errors: 0
Finished BackupPC_refCountUpdate (running time: 1334 sec)

The second refCountUpdate includes the "-f -c" args which appear to force 
an fsck on the host.

I'm using rsync over ssh and there are no errors reported:

Done: 0 errors, 31 filesExist, 86366561 sizeExist, 47163323 sizeExistComp, 
0 filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 49 filesNew, 180552022 sizeNew, 58504938 
sizeNewComp, 242121 inode
Number of files: 105259
Number of files transferred: 179
Total file size: 2823131278 bytes
Total transferred file size: 292936438 bytes
Literal data: 18830521 bytes
Matched data: 248088062 bytes
File list size: 2308933
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 616768
Total bytes received: 21567585
sent 616768 bytes  received 21567585 bytes  36638.07 bytes/sec
total size is 2823131278  speedup is 127.26
DoneGen: 0 errors, 2 filesExist, 8306 sizeExist, 61440 sizeExistComp, 90549 
filesTotal, 2823131278 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 
242138 inode

Unlike Gandalf, my backups are succeeding. I have successfully performed 
restores. Fulls and incrs happen as expected. Expiration looks correct per 
my config policy.

On Thu, 21 Jan 2016, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:

> 2016-01-21 23:09 GMT+01:00 Adam Goryachev 
> <mailingli...@websitemanagers.com.au>:
>> Can you run dmesg, and see if you have any lines like this:
>> [11613050.504117] rsync_bpc[7279]: segfault at 7f9ee5c7e428 ip
>> 00000000004473af sp 00007ffc3d7bdf80 error 4 in rsync_bpc[400000+75000]
>> There seems to be some bug in rsync_bpc, I was working on tracking that
>> down last week, but my C programming is rather limited, so I'm stuck.
>> Hoping someone else on the bpc-dev list might be able to assist.
>> Otherwise, I might try one of the online programming forums to see if I
>> can get some assistance there.
> I don't have any lines like yours.
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