On 23/02/2016 21:58, Alessandro Polverini wrote:
> Hello Andreas, and thanks for your reply.
> I'm already using LXC (it works great, btw), but I had an issue with
> backuppc that I was then able to track down as the use of compression.
> I was adding "--compress" to rsync options and that lead to strange
> timeouts and backup aborts.
> Isn't that the right way to add compression support to rsync?
> Since my hosts are on a remote network, compression would really be useful.
I don't think this is related to containers/not. In any case, no, 
backuppc doesn't support rsync compression, if you are using rsync over 
ssh, then you can enable compression on the ssh layer, otherwise, you 
will need to enable compression on the VPN layer (if using rsyncd). 
Finally, rsync will already try to be efficient with network bandwidth, 
so this may not make a big difference anyway.

> Another issue I have while using backuppc inside an LXC container is
> that all the hosts results unpingable, while in fact they are: from the
> command line everything works fine as expected.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You will need to check what command you are asking backuppc to use for 
ping. Perhaps post the logfile from backuppc showing the failed ping 


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