On 03/18/2016 00:51, Jim Wilcoxson wrote:
> Marcel Meckel <mailinglist+backuppc-users <at> foobar0815.de> writes:
>> Hi there,
>> Amazon offers amongst other services one named S3* (Simple Storage 
>> Service, moderate
>> price with low latency) and Glacier* (extremely cheap storage, retrieval 
>> can take hours,
>> perfect for backups only needed when disaster strikes).
>> With the correct config rules in place, files uploaded to S3 can be 
>> moved to Glacier
>> automatically, e.g. when the file's age is >= 14 days.
> Hi Marcel - I'd suggest you store files in S3 Infrequent Access instead of
> Glacier.  S3IA costs 1.2 cents/GB/mo - not much more than .7 cents/GB/mo for
> Glacier, and is much more flexible.  There's also Google Nearline for 1
> cent/GB/mo and Backblaze B2 for .5 cents/GB/mo.

If redundancy isn't needed you get 10TB for 47,48€ with 20TB free
traffic with the biggest hetzner storage box
The smaller boxes have a higher cost per GB but a way higher traffic ratio.


In the US it is even cheaper:

Click the flag in the header to choose from different countries.

It can live with that as an archive host (and a NAS in another building;
internal, 1Gb bandwidth).

And we get a monthly bill. That is easier for me at a university than
with most cloud vendors -- until recently amazon needed a credit card
and I've no interest to pay a middleman.
Serverbidding (without setup costs, no minimum contract period) is also
more attractive for our workloads than most cloud instances as we keep
the hosts for at least a month and traffic is practically free.

I've yet to see a financially comparable offer by a cloud vendor.
For our use cases (NAS, on demand instances) Amazon is 3-4 times more
expensive as soon as traffic between them and our site comes into play.
Avoiding that would mean going cloud only -- no, thanks.

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