On 5/26/2016 12:18 PM, Michael Stowe wrote:
> On 2016-05-26 13:46, Jeff Boyce wrote:
>> On 5/26/2016 4:57 AM, Michael Stowe wrote:
>>> Perhaps simple sharing is turned on, perhaps the share name has been
>>> transliterated to something else.  You might want to try the
>>> troubleshooting step of listing the actual share names:
>>> /usr/bin/smbclient -L //rdr-lat6540
>> Well, it took a little variation of the smbclient command to get to what
>> you are looking for, but here are the results.
>> bash-4.1$ smbclient -L rdr-lat6540 -W workgroup -U robynr
>> Enter robynr's password:
>> Domain=[RDR-LAT6540] OS=[Windows 10 Pro 10586] Server=[Windows 10 Pro 
>> 6.3]
>>          Sharename       Type      Comment
>>          ---------       ----      -------
>>          ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
>>          C$              Disk      Default share
>>          IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
>>          print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
>>          Users           Disk
>> Domain=[RDR-LAT6540] OS=[Windows 10 Pro 10586] Server=[Windows 10 Pro 
>> 6.3]
>>          Server               Comment
>>          ---------            -------
>>          Workgroup            Master
>>          ---------            -------
>> So noticing that my that share on rdr-lat6540 is listed as C$ and not
>> just C, as in my configuration file.  I made the appropriate changes in
>> the configuration file and now I get a different error. So I guess I am
>> making progress, but it might be sideways instead of forward. Now my
>> full error is:
>> Running: /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\rdr-lat6540\\C\$ -U robynr -E -d 1 -c
>> tarmode\ full -Tc -
>> \\users\\robynr\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\ Live\ Mail
>> full backup started for share C$
>> Xfer PIDs are now 8068,8067
>> Domain=[RDR-LAT6540] OS=[Windows 10 Pro 10586] Server=[Windows 10 Pro 
>> 6.3]
>> tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
>> Domain=[RDR-LAT6540] OS=[Windows 10 Pro 10586] Server=[Windows 10 Pro 
>> 6.3]
>> tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
>> tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0
>> sizeExistComp, 0 filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal
>> Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share C$)
>> Backup aborted (No files dumped for share C$)
>> Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the
>> prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0)
>> I would guess that the NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error is a permissions or
>> sharing problem on the Win10 box, but I am not seeing what it might be.
>> I have file and printer sharing turned on for the C$ share, and the
>> firewall is currently turned off while testing this.  What else should I
>> be looking at?
>> Jeff
>> -- 
>> Jeff Boyce
>> Meridian Environmental
> At the risk of stating the obvious, if you must declare a workgroup to 
> retrieve a listing of shares, then it's likely that you must also 
> declare a workgroup to gain access to the shares. (Windows is usually 
> quite casual about workgroups, except when it isn't, so you might just 
> want to confirm you either don't need it for the listing, or add it 
> for the connection.)
> NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED comes from a few places, note that you're 
> getting a failure to connect to the tree, so it's unlikely to be a 
> folder permission error, it's more likely something earlier in the 
> process, like authentication.  This could be as simple as supplying 
> the incorrect password, to an older version of smbclient which is fine 
> with supplying the share list but refuses to negotiate SMB with W10, 
> which requires stronger hashes.
> smbclient has changed its options and syntax a few times over time; I 
> note that the -N switch does not appear in your backuppc command line, 
> which is probably correct, since in more recent versions of smbclient, 
> this apparently causes it to stop sending the password...  But I also 
> do not see a password on that command line.  If you didn't cleanse it 
> when you posted (which wouldn't be a terrible idea, obviously) then 
> I'd look there first, because that may mean it's not being sent, which 
> would explain that error.

I am now doing an assessment of all the clients setup in backuppc and 
seeing some minor variations between clients, and what is working and 
what isn't.  I am now noticing that I have another Win7 box that is 
giving the same NT_ STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error as the Win10 box.  A 
quick look at the backuppc configuration between the bad Win7 box and my 
own working Win7 box shows no difference other than the include 
directory.  So I am going to have to do a more detailed look at this 
other Win7 box that is bad.  All other Win7 boxes are working fine.  I 
may setup a new Win10 box so I have another point of comparison.

I notice that all of my working Win7 boxes do not declare a workgroup in 
the config.  I used that command because that is what I found in my old 
setup notes.  I may have to try to list the shares without the -W option 
and see what happens, and likewise take your suggestion and add it to 
the config and see what the results are.

 From my research I figured the NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error could come 
from several different issues.  That is why I was having a hard time 
sorting this out.  I also noticed the failure to connect to the tree 
statement and suspected it might be permissions issue, but I am certain 
of the passwords.  My ideal hope was that someone here was going to tell 
me... oh yea, Win10 introduced X?X, so you just have to make this little 
change here and every thing will work again.

I had the -N switch problem on my initial setup, and was able to fix 
that after a bit of research, so I know not to include it.  I did not 
cleanse the password from the command line displayed in the error.  It 
is not included in my configuration.  I can try that test also, but it 
makes me wonder why all my other Win7 boxes (except the one) works 
without providing a password argument in the command line statement.

I am going to have to do a better comparison between all the working and 
non-working clients to isolate what might be different on the 
non-working boxes.  It still may be a backuppc configuration problem on 
my part, but I am not ruling out that it is an issue on the Windows side 
of things.  Need more data.  More suggestions are welcome also.  Thanks.



Jeff Boyce, CF
Meridian Environmental
2136 Westlake Ave. North
Seattle, WA  98109

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